Lightweight building materials are so important to provide lighter and safer buildings. Sıvaper produces lightweight perlite mortars which are much more lighter than traditional mortars. Those products provides lightweight structures with thermal insulation, sound insulation and fire resistance.
In many project Sıvaper perlite products were used only because they are so lightweight. They are used on new built construction as well as on rennovating old buildings. Those inorganic and natural products provide long lasting and healthy solutions to architects and engineers.

- Water proofing products should applied on the screed after application on open air places where rain and water shall contact on the screed.
- Sıvaper perlite screed is used for ground floor and roof of the building yielding insulation for heat and sound with fireproofing as well.
- Perlite screed is approx. 1/5 lighter than sand plaster and you will get lighter and more resistant buildings.
- Very simple to use, only a certain amount water is mixed with Sıvaper thermal insulating perlite screed and applied by conventional methods . Does not require additional information or workmanship .
- Screed perlite can be applied as sand screed easily and comfortably. After applying the wet screed substrate surface finish and finishing operations are performed. A variety of floor coverings can be done after the surface is dry .
- What is the difference with Sivaper perlit screed?
- Screed made using Sivaper perlite screed does not sag after application and after drying time, do not deform. Provides long-lasting use .
- Easily applied in any desired thickness.
- Very light and resistant surfaces are ensured.
- Easily applied and lightweight thermal insulation screed.
- Density differs between 300 kg/m3 to 600 kg/m3
- Applicable by hand or by machine.
- Mixed with water easily only and again easily leveled.
- No impurities, completely natural.
- As it is light material, does not add extra loading on the building.
- Provides sound insulation, fire insulation.
- Easily coated with hardwood, ceramics.
- Natural insulation
- Lightweight Screed for Thermal Insulation